Friday 15 February 2013

Modal Window Use In LightSwitch

Use Modal Window to add and edit records in the lightswitch

1 In your screen Add new group, it will Add Rows layout change it to be modal window "this window will hold your screen for add/edit" Rename this modal window to be AddEditCustomer
2 Change its Is Visible property to false
3 In its command bar Add new button twice one will be btnOk, the other will be btnCancel, then Below it drag the Customers query
4 Add property of type Customer to the designer call it NewCustomer
5 Point to your Customers list or grid command bar right click on Add button and select Edit Execute Code, do the same for Edit Button
the 2 functions code should be like this :
partial void CustomerListAddAndEditNew_Execute()
            // Write your code here.
            NewCustomer = new Customer();
            this.FindControl("AddNewCustomer").ControlAvailable += new EventHandler<ControlAvailableEventArgs>(NewCustomer_WindowAvailable);
partial void CutomerListEditSelected_Execute()
            // Write your code here.
            NewCustomer = this.Customers.SelectedItem;
            this.OpenModalWindow("AddNewCutomer"); // modal window name
            this.FindControl("AddNewCutomer").ControlAvailable += new EventHandler<ControlAvailableEventArgs>(NewCusomr_WindowAvailable);

void NewCustomer_WindowAvailable(object sender, ControlAvailableEventArgs e)


this.FindControl("AddNewCustomer").ControlAvailable -= new EventHandler<ControlAvailableEventArgs>(NewCustomer_WindowAvailable);

((ChildWindow)e.Control).Closed += new EventHandler(NewCustomer_Closed);


void NewCustomer_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e)


            ((ChildWindow)sender).Closed -= new EventHandler(NewCustomer_Closed);

            if (!((ChildWindow)sender).DialogResult.HasValue)




private void CloseAddCustomerWindow()





        private void CancelAddCustomerChanges()




partial void btnOk_Execute()


            // Write your code here.

            this.Customers.SelectedItem = this.NewCustomer;



        partial void btnCancel_Execute()


            // Write your code here.




partial void btnSubmit_CanExecute(ref bool result)


            // Write your code here.

            result =  NewCustomer!= null && NewCustomer.CustomerName!=null && Any Mandatory Field in Customer entity!=null;


1 comment:

jamsolo said...

Do not forget to put the reference in:

using using System.Windows.Controls;