In LightSwitch we can upload an image. If we are using
sqlserver then we can upload an image and store this image in database. But If
we are using Sharepoint list then we have to create list of Document Library,
Image will upload to this list and storing the path of the Image to general
list. Like this we can solve Image uploading problem.
Storing Image in Sql
I am using the student master example. I have created a
table of a student master which is storing student pic. and I am trying to
Upload this image in the database.
Steps: 1. Create a master screen using this table
2. Now create an PopUp Dialog and a button as shown below. Also set that button to
Use the Created Popup Dialog.
3. Now we have to do the Important part of our application.
We have to download two files and add
them to the following Location. Also add the reference of java script file to
the default.htm file.
<script type="text/javascript" src="Scripts/image-uploader.js"></script>
4. In the Properties window, choose the Edit Render Code
hyperlink or select the “Write Code” button at the top right of the designer
and select the _render method.
myapp.StudentMasters.Pic1_render = function (element, contentItem) {
// Write
code here.
createImageUploader(element, contentItem, "max-width: 500px; max-height:300px");
Hit the F5 button and we are able to upload the file to
the database
Excellent help, simple and straight forward. Worked great!
ImagerJs is a platform-independent, web-based JavaScript
Image Uploader that is very easy and fun to use. A JavaScript library
for uploading images using drag & drop. Crop, rotate, resize,
or shrink your image before uploading visit us you wont
be sorry! Have a nice day.
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