Thursday, 12 September 2013

Error while Updating project from LightSwitch 2011 to LightSwitch 2012

I have faced an error when I was updating my lightswitch 2011 project to latest version lightswitch 2012. Whenever I was trying to run project in Form Authentication mode then every time project is not loading. It went to in loading  stage and no display appears. When we upgrade our project then one file can be miss from our project. Copy that file and paste at desired location. Now Project works fine.


1. Open Bin\Debug\Web\Manifests folder in your project. you will see that Microsoft.LightSwitch.Design.Server.Manifest.dll file is miss.

2. Error in the running project is like.

3. One dll file miss. You have to download or copy and past that file at Bin\Debug\Web\Manifests location. 
     file name: Microsoft.LightSwitch.Design.Server.Manifest.dll

Click here to download missing file. 

Thanks to Ankur Rana

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